After our weekend in Virginia we decided to spend two more nights in Washington D.C. so we could make a little vacation out of the trip....
We grabbed our strollers, sneakers, and snowcones and were off to see our nation's capitol!
One of our first stops was the National Mall and I did a little tour snapping pics with them in their strollers since that's as good as it was going to get...
Can't you see the excitement in their eyes? If you look closely you can see me making a cameo in a reflection (and it's not the pool) ;-)
I really wanted to go up to the Lincoln Memorial, but this was as far as we got. It was late in the day and both of the normally happy-go-lucky toddlers decided to have meltdowns...needless to say we flagged down the nearest cab to take us back to the hotel.
So after a good night's sleep we decided to spend the next day in Georgetown. We met my bestie, Christina, and her family for breakfast at this cute French restaurant, Cafe Bonaparte.
My breakfast crepe was delish and the chocolate criossants were eaten so fast I couldn't even snap a pic.
Before our trip I had asked one of my favorite bloggers, Taza, for some tips on where to take the littles in DC since she used to live there. One of her top picks was the Georgetown Fountains, but our parade was rained on with the rainy day we encountered. Sure, I could have let them run through the fountains since we were already a little wet, but the mom in me did not want any sniffly babies on the plane ride the next day.
So we snapped a pic and did what anyone else would do on a rainy morning in Georgetown...
OMG...can I please state that Georgetown Cupcake is the home of the best cupcake I have ever eaten!
Don't mind the rainy-day hair below...the last thing I had time to do was make sure I looked presentable when I had these little cakes of joy to look forward to :)
Sienna is the only toddler I know who eats her cupcakes with a fork! Cupcakes are seriously the way to her heart!
Sienna approved!
After we left Georgetown we skipped on over to Chinatown before heading back for a break at the hotel...
We stayed at the Sofitel, which was conveniently located near the White House. The kiddos just loved looking out the window! I really love all of the architecture on the buildings in D.C.
Our trip to D.C. was short, but sweet! Perfect for juggling les deux!
Have you attempted Washington D.C. with toddlers?