Showing posts with label diy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diy. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2013

DIY Hair Bow or Bow Tie Tutorial

Hey there! While doing some shopping at the local fabric store the other day I came across this adorable popsicle fabric and I had to have it! So I thought how could I not make a cute little bow with it since we are celebrating All Things Popsicle Week?These bows are so incredibly easy to make and what's great about them is they can be used either as a bow tie for a little boy or a hair bow for a little girl! In my case I will be doing both!

Here's what you'll need:

1. I used a piece of fabric cut into an 8 x 6 rectangle for the bow tie and 6 x 4 for the bow. You can experiment to see which size works best for you. Then fold in the pieces of fabric as seen in the first image below.
2. Then fold the other ends in so they meet again. (The scissors are just holding them down so I could snap the picture)
3. After it has been folded go ahead and turn it over and pinch down the center of the bow. 
4. Then sew the middle with a needle and thread a couple of times through all of the layers.

5. After the bow is secured you'll want to cut a small piece of fabric to use as the loop for the bow. Again, see what size works best for you by testing it around the bow.
6. Once you have the apprpriate size go ahead and sew it shut in a circular form. Make sure there is enough room to pull the bow through. It isn't pictured, but you will want to flatten out one side of the bow and pull it through the ring. 
7. Next stick you hair clip or bowtie clip in and you can use a little fabric glue to keep it in place. 
8. All done! 

Wasn't that easy? I am in love! You will definitely be seeing my kiddos in some cute little hair bows and bow ties. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Daniel's First Birthday Mustache Bash!

Last month we celebrated Daniel's first birthday! To celebrate we threw a little man, mustache bash at a local waterfront park!! 

Of course I went over the top with my dessert table...We had cake, cupcakes, s'more pops (which by the way are the most amazing thing that has every crossed my mouth), and we couldn't forget the little man cigars...

Yes...they are chocolate covered pretzel rods in these fabulous cigar boxes
 my mother-in-law found for me :)

Here is my little man in his outfit :)

and my little lady in her romper...

We even Macgyvered a photo booth in the shelter...

Thanks to Aunt Kelly & Shane and the rest of the fam, everything was executed wonderfully!

This is my favorite picture of Sienna helping Daniel blow out his candle...

He was not a big fan of his smash cupcake...

Here are some fun shots my bestie's dad, Felix, took of me, my besties, and their babies...

And of course we had to attempt a family shot in our photo booth...

 ha! That's as good as it gets :)

Cake was from the lovely Michelle & printables were from Sour Punch Studio

Thursday, February 28, 2013

DIY Chalkboard Labels

I have been slowly working on my 'Organize My Life' project since these two kiddos are keeping me extra busy. As of right now the napping-at-the-same-time days are no longer present, but I'm hoping they will come by to say hi soon :) One of my organization projects involves these fabulous little chalkboard labels I created. If you haven't already guessed by now, I was inspired by Jen over at I Heart Organizing. I am not going to let you in on exactly what I will be using these for as you will need to stay tuned to see...
Anywho, I thought I would go ahead and give you a quick tutorial on how to make these cute little things! 
Here is what you'll need:
You will also need a stencil of  some sort for whichever shape you desire. I chose a bracket shape which I thought would look nice and fancy! I made my stencil by printing a template off of the computer onto a piece of cardstock and then cutting it out. You could also create multiple shapes on a file in a program such as Microsoft Word and then print them onto the cardstock you will be painting-whatever works...either will do. 
Here is what you will need to do:
First paint the sheets of cardstock with the chalkboard paint and the sponge brush. The will probably need two coats or so and then let them dry.  Once dry, go ahead and trace the shape onto the back of the painted cardstock as many times as it will fit. 

Then just cut the shapes out and...
I also thought about buying some vinyl next time I head to Target and I could use this method for labels on my OXO containers in my pantry!! I've heard you can even buy chalkboard vinyl as well! My brain is a-brewing... is a clue as to what I will be using these labels for...

Any guesses??

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's Day Recap!

Well Valentine's Day came and went and we had an action packed day full of arts and crafts, cookies, and multiple photo shoot attempts. I had a ton planned for the special day, but with the kids getting over a week-long stomach bug we were left scrambling, but never bored :)

Danny was at work all day, but the kids woke up to heart shaped French toast and new tableware. It took Daniel a whole twenty seconds to figure out how to use a straw and there's no turning back now...I sometimes forget he will be a year old in two months...sniff...

Sienna worked on her valentines and colored in her new Dora coloring book for most of the morning...(thanks again Target dollar spot)! And after naps I attempted to do my super last minute 'We heart daddy' photo montage...which failed....miserably....

By the time I bribed Sienna into having a piece of chocolate to take a halfway decent picture it was already six o' clock and there was no way I could hit up the local Walgreen's to have them printed. I searched high and low and found two pieces of photo paper and tried to print them at home...which was another epic maybe by Father's Day we can have them done!

Daniel has this new thing where he loooves to pull everything out of every cabinet or toy bucket as soon as I put it all away...I tried really hard all day to keep the house tidy so Danny could come home to a clean house, but by seven o' clock and Daniel ripping apart my pantry for the ninth time that day I gave up...

After baths I set the table, lit a candle, opened a bottle of wine and Danny came home with Carrabbas take out!! We exchanged cards, had American Idol on in the background, and enjoyed our dinner with each of us holding a baby on our lap :)

Ohhhh how times have changed, but I wouldn't change our "life with les deux" for the world...


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

DIY Mustache Heart Shirt

With Valentine’s Day coming up, I have been planning on getting the kiddos some cute finds to wear on the day of love! As you see here, there are so many cute choices out there! I got Sienna this shirt from H&M and as of two days ago I still hadn't gotten anything for Daniel! Both of the kids have been battling the stomach bug this week and I really didn't have much time to shop so I decided to DIY it!

I was inspired by a guest post that one of my favorite blogs, Small Fry, did on the blog Honestly (the blog for Jessica Alba's line of natural and eco-friendly products, The Honest Company). They did DIY heart sweatshirts that allowed the kids to partake! I thought this would be perfect because Sienna loves to paint and it uses a stencil so she could easily help out! I changed it up a little bit and used a white tee since the weather has been in the mid 80's here every day! If you read one of my previous posts, you may have noticed that I have a little bit of a heart/mustache obsession so I was also inspired by the cute pajamas from Gap Kids. 

Here are the supplies you will need to create this: 
  • a plain t-shirt
  • scissors
  • two sheets of computer paper
  • red fabric paint
  • black fabric paint
  • white fabric paint
  • a sponge brush
  • clothes pins or tape to hold down the heart stencil
  • a mustache image to cut out or trace
  • small paint brushes for the mustache and eyes

I had everything except the white tee which I found at Target on clearance for $2.50...Score!!! I then got a piece of paper and cut a heart into it. Next I wrapped the shirt around a magazine so it would be centered and pinned it down with clothespins as well as pressed some double wrapped tape on the back. Then Sienna could start painting and boy did she love it!

Once the kids were in bed I traced a mustache image off the iPad...

 and then used this stencil to create the mustache on the shirt and voila!!

You can decorate it with some eyes or just leave it plain...either way it is super cute! And the best part of all is this whole project only took about 30 minutes in total and cost $2.50!! You can't beat that!! I think I definitely might start DIY'n holiday outfits for the kids! It’s fun for everyone and it comes from the heart :)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Minnie Mouse Inspired Birthday Party

Last month we celebrated Sienna's 2nd Birthday! I can't believe how fast they grow makes me sad and now I see why people have multiple children, but that's a whole other blog post....

Anywho, we decided to do a Minnie Mouse themed party at the local park because she loves Minnie and we were going to be heading off to Disney World the next day! I didn't go COMPLETELY overboard for my two year old's party, but being a former event planner, maybe I did go a little over the top...Just with the sweets though because what two year (and their parents...meaning me) doesn't like cake, cookies, and cupcakes?

Here is her fabulous cake from the lovely Michelle, she rocks! Her cakes look awesome and she iced it out of 100% buttercream!! That's right no gummy fondant! This is our second time using her and I know I will be requesting her for Daniel's 1st birthday as well!

I LOVE to bake so I made some Minnie inspired cupcakes and cookies as well:

And of course how can you have a party at the park without the piñata...but don't worry this only had a couple of lollipops and the rest was filled with prizes, goldfish crackers, raisins, and animal crackers to fill their goody bags with! I love how the piñatas are pull string nowadays too since I really don't want a bunch of 2 year olds swinging a bat at a dangling object :)

      And here is Daniel-Son wearing his Mickey ear party hat...we had Minnie headbands for the girls too, but Sienna insisted on the Mickey one as you can see above! When you are two, you usually get whatever you want, especially on your birthday :)

*If you are interested in a fabulous cake by Michelle you can find out more info here.

Monday, January 21, 2013

DIY Astroturf Play Area

Last month my family and I took a mini vaca to the most magical place on earth--yep! You guessed it! Disney World!!! I am SUCH a big kid so of course I usually am the most excited one for these vacations...especially since my children really have no idea what Disney World really is....
Anywho, we make it a tradition to venture around Downtown Disney the day before we visit the park to get some fun Disney swag and t-shirts for the kiddos! While there, we stumbled across this cute little grassy area made out of astroturf that we thought would be a perfect stop with kiddos to release some energy.
They loved it as you can see and I was joking around with Danny that we should totally put a plot of this in our backyard for the kiddos....

HAHA it was a joke, I'm a daydreamer, but once we got back Danny had different plans. He came home with all the supplies to lay an astroturf play area for the kiddos with their own white picket fence so the dogs don't...ahem..."disrupt" the turf ;)


Supervising with Uncle Er 

                                   Whaddaguy!!! He really gets Dad of the year for this one :)